Virtual business development will help your business grow.
Does your business need to add to its sales function without increasing permanent headcount? If so, we can definitely help by offering a professional business development service.
Virtual BDM is more than simply an outsourced sales offering, the purpose is to offer you a Business Development Manager that effectively operates as though they are part of your business. We are offering a 100% remote model that is easy to set up. We can also attend in-person meetings and events if required.
We can even supply a complete sales team from list building & lead generation through to pipeline management, closed sales and ongoing account management. Overseen by an experienced senior BDM.
Introductory offer - £200 per day for the first 5 days
The number of days will depend on the size of your existing Sales & Marketing operation and the complexity of your company offering. Typically 1-2 days is adequate.
We will provide a detailed document to review your current go to market strategy and content, and provide a Q1, Q2, Q3 (up to 12 months) guide to how to improve your process and grow sales.
*Plus an agreed commission structure on revenues achieved from an account developed by Virtual BDM within 12 months of handover. Any data you share will be handled confidentially, complying with GDPR guidelines.
A long-suffering Tottenham Hotspur supporter with a love of live music.
Virtual BDM enables me to apply my knowledge and experience to drive your sales process further and provide a full business development service whether it be for 1 day per week or 1 month. I can work on your behalf as "YOUR" sales resource without your business incurring the cost of hiring and employing a full time BDM. If you are looking for more of a team based approach, then I will oversee every aspect.
The answer is simply - "How do you want it to work?"
You could bring someone in for five days, one week or even one whole month - or on a retainer with agreed KPI's.
To make the relationship work we would need access to a professional email address utilising your company domain and we will agree a project scope with agreed deliverables. We would need to gain a full understanding of your target markets, where you are currently successful and a "battle card" of how your product/service differs to others in your market place. We would also need to agree on your target markets, or perhaps specific companies that you would like to be selling to. Prospecting will include using a variety of tools including LinkedIn Sales Navigator, (good old) Google and your guidance regarding customer profiles.
This can be one person, or a complete team depending on your requirements. This team approach could also bring the overall costs down, we won't recommend using a senior resource for tasks that don't specifically need this expertise. All processes and messaging will be overseen by Kevin Copestake, leveraging over 15 years of successful sales experience across a wide variety of markets and sectors.
I’m hard working and extremely pro active, motivated, efficient and structured. Being a mum has given me new skills and qualities like being highly organised, being a multi tasker, thinking on the spot, being motivated, having enthusiasm and lots of patience!
I am a friendly approachable person, and I like interacting with new people. I have experience in sales, customer service, events management, administration, lead generation and I'm an entrepreneur in my own right.
I'm a UK based Sales Manager with over 30 years of experience particularly in Lead Generation and Telemarketing. I've worked in a variety of industries including IT, ERP, CRM amongst other solutions.
I have previously run my own companies both in the UK & New Zealand.
I can turn prospects into leads and new business.
Telephone: 07738378867 Email Address: